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In Traces 17 multidisciplinary artists that attend the peer group at the Free Space Project explore who we have been, where we are now and who we would like to be. The artist peer group is a monthly event for artists that are exploring health and wellbeing in their practice, often covering complex and emotional experiences.
Artist Victoria Coster is one of an estimated 5 million people in the UK to be living with the condition known as Tinnitus. Like many others to be diagnosed, there is no identifiable cause associated with her experience.
My Mother’s Daughter
My Mother’s Daughter is an exhibition of sensitive photographic works by three artists examining the loss and legacy of their mothers. In each of the works the artists have found a unique method of retaining the bond between mother and daughter, in an exploration of grief, motherhood, genetic inheritance and their continuing role as daughters.
Light Therapy
An exhibition exploring ideas of light and art as therapeutic practice
The Free Space Gallery is pleased to host the work of 8 artists exploring ideas of light and art as therapeutic practice, through the mixed mediums of painting, drawing, sculpture and printing.
Manifestations of the Mind
Artist Antonia Attwood’s ‘Manifestations of the Mind’ is an innovative in-depth Arts and Mental Health project, made in partnership with an amazing set of people with ‘Lived Experience’ of Mental Illness. It focusses on exploring ways of communicating how their mental health conditions uniquely affect them and how they actually feel to those who experience them.