Resources and Self Support
Feeding and nutrition and tummy problems:
1. Camden Heath Visitors - online Baby Feeding groups and support the Health Visiting virtual weekly clinic. See below for details of how to register for these sessions Mo & Thu 10.30-11.30 (zoom). open to all parents and carers with a child under 12 months
If you have a specific question for your Health Visitor about caring for your baby, please contact the Health Visiting team at tel: 020 3317 3032.
2. Bright Start Breastfeeding Support – Islington: tel: 020 3316 8439 (breastfeeding helpline)
Islington Health visitors: tel: 020 3316 8008
3. Out of hours support for baby feeding is also available at the National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212, 9.30am to 9.30pm, 7 days a week.
4. First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity. We endeavour to fill Practical and policy-relevant information gaps and provide resources for health workers supporting eating-well from pre-conception to five years.
5. Start4Life NHS: offers information on infant feeding during the COVID-19 pandemic
6. ERIC, the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity is the UK’s leading charity supporting all children and teenagers with a bowel or bladder problem.
7. Diarrhoea and vomiting advice sheet:
Chalk Farm Food bank; now available from the Gym Room in the practice on Wednesdays 10am-12pm. See here for more info.
1; Source Basis provides online access to up-to-date research-based evidence about infant sleep for parents and health practitioners, it does not address sleep problems.
2: The Lullaby Trust gives guidance on how to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome
St John’s Ambulance: First aid for choking baby, child or adult - including what to do and when to get medical assistance. Yes
Emergency help with nappies, toys and clothes, coaching:
Please note that all of the follow services require a GP referral.
Choices in Islington on Caledonian road: Baby clothes (Boutique), equipment, formula, befriending and counselling
Happy Baby community: Ante-natal & post-natal support, New baby bundles, welfare advice, counselling
Pram depot: Baby bank that does emergency box's (nappies, clothes ect)
Little Village, and Small Project: Clothes up to age 5 years old
Baby groups and crash: - Please book in advance
Camden: Stay and Play in the park,
Thursday and Friday 10.30-11.30 Kilburn Grange 020 7974 5080
Tuesday and Thursday 10.00-11.00 Agar Children’s Centre: 020 7974 4789
Wednesday 10.00-11.00 Wilmington Sq 1a Children’s Centre 020 7974 7024
Monday and Wednesday 10.30-11.30 Regents Park Children’s Centre: 020 7974 8934
Tue: 10.11am and Thu 2-3pm Harmood Children’s Centre 020 7974 8961
Islington: Find Children's Centres and Bright Start Services
Bright Start North: 020 7527 8441
Bright Start Central: 020 7527 8465
Bright Start South: 020 7527 4089
Self-care for mums:
Women self-care (Camden Only) at Women+health:
Acupuncture, reflexology, massage, homeopathy, osteopathy, yoga, aromatherapy, short-term counselling, half-hour GP advice session, short-term psychotherapy, self-referral or if indicated GP can refer, you may need a proof of income for the discounted price.
Self referral: tel:02074822786; e:
Parental and Family Support:
Family Support: The Winch
The Winch works with children, young people and families across North Camden to improve their chances in life.
It provides activities, opportunities and support from cradle to career, as well as an out-of-hours phone line and
access to additional services and support provided by partners in education, health, housing and general advice.
Services are divided by:
0-5s includes parents hub and rhyming
4-12s includes after school club, holiday play scheme, educational support
11-19s includes schools work, young leaders, sports activities, youth club
19-25s includes business start-up, volunteering, work experience, youth club
Women's Health Psychological Services (WHPS)
Service providing short-term, focused therapeutic consultation to parents with moderate psychological difficulties
related to pregnancy and childbirth. Service delivered by multi-professional team including counsellor, psychologist,
psychotherapist and trainees.
Consenting women and partners who are ready to work psychologically on their distress about the pregnancy,
pregnancy loss, fear of birth, serious birth complications and other pregnancy-related problems (excluding post-natal
Choices; low cost counselling support for mums and dads:
General advice on available choices: NHS UK
Emergency contraception:
Family planning clinic: for IUD, IUS and contraceptive implant
MSI UK’s Central London clinic: Marie Stopes House, 108 Whitfield Street, London W1T 5BE. Tel: 0345 300 2350
Citizen advice bureau (CAB): Advice is provided in relation to welfare benefits, debt, housing and a range of other issues affecting individual welfare
Pre- and post-natal depression, pregnancy loss:
1. Home-Start Camden & Islington matches families going through a difficult time with a trained volunteer with parenting experience. Volunteers do weekly home visits for 3-4 hours and provide non-judgemental, peer-to-peer support (for self-referral call: 020 7424 1603)
2. If you feel you or someone around you is in the risk of pre- or post-natal depression, you can contact the GP, Midwife
or the Health Visitor who is linked to the family for help and advice.
3. Cocoon Family Support: Helping new and expectant parents to find their wings, providing support to parents affected currently suspended by perinatal mental illness.– service suspended till further notice
4. iCope: for mild to moderate pre-existing and/or long-term mental health problems can self-refer via phone or though the website: 02033717600
5. Choices; low cost counselling support for mums and dads:
Child protection
If you feel a baby or a child around you is in the possible risk of abuse, domestic violence, neglect or any other form of physical or emotional harm, please contact GP or the health visitor who is linked to the family.
If you feel it is an immediate risk, please call 999
Domestic violence, FGM:
1. National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 refer to emergency safe accommodation; provide information on legal, welfare and housing rights online crisis and safety planning; emotional support and refer to counselling services
2. Camden Safety Net – Domestic Violence T: 020 7974 2526 e:
Camden Safety Net provides advice and support to male and female survivors of domestic and sexual violence, including: counselling and therapeutic services. advocacy services, risk assessments and action plans to enhance safety, same-sex domestic and sexual violence support. Referrals to appropriate agencies such as women's aid refuges, housing, legal services, parenting support. Support is appropriate to the survivor's language, culture and religion.
Self-refer by email, telephone or SMS. SMS text phone number: 07814 671427
3. Men’s Advice Line for men experiencing abuse: Monday–Friday 9am–5pm – t: 0808 801 0327
4. Galop (National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline) – t: 0800 999 5428
5. RESPECT Phoneline: Confidential helpline offering advice, information and support to anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s violent or abusive behaviour. Monday–Friday 9am–5pm – t: 0808 802 4040