Breathing for Wellbeing

Do you suffer from insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, pain - or think you could just breathe better?

The C&I-funded, Breathing for Wellbeing project offers simple and accessible breathing sessions to help people manage symptoms and health conditions.

Weekly sessions are open to everyone and include gentle-seated stretches and simple breathing techniques. You don't need any special equipment - just come as you are. It is a friendly, drop-in session.

Julie is the session facilitator and has been teaching for over 10 years and has helped many people to improve their breathing.

Quotes from past students:

"We really appreciate and value what Julie teaches and find it so relaxing. I feel at ease with her, especially as Julie is so understanding and allows time for us to get into comfortable positions as well as asking and encouraging us."

Ravea (student)

“Julie was very, very good. She was always wary of movements which would aggravate injuries, and would constantly make sure everybody was doing fine”

Mary, (student)

'Julie's lessons are a real joy. They are to the point and easy to follow. I always leave her class feeling stretched, relaxed yet energized.'

Katrien (student)

Where, when & how?

It runs every Thursday from 12pm in the Gym Room in the Kentish Town Health Centre.

The sessions are run hybrid from the James Wigg practice, meaning that is the option to come in and join us, but zoom is also an option.

See our What’s On page for the upcoming dates.

If you are not a registered patient and are based in Camden, please contact us to attend.

How do I take part?

  • Please email us at to take part.

Who is this project for?

This activity is for:

  • Registered patients at the James Wigg and Queens Crescent GP practices in Kentish Town.

  • People living in the borough of Camden.

Who runs this project?

Julie is passionate about making yoga practices accessible to all, she has over 10 years teaching experience and works with many other Camden based charities, including Camden Carers.


Advance Care Planning


Anapana Meditation Session